517 leaders secured commitments from city officials to repossess a 20+ acre vacant site that a for-profit Philadelphia company has failed over the last 10 years to redevelop and to address neighborhood crime, blighted properties, deteriorated playgrounds, etc. Durham CAN seeks to redevelop the 20+ acre site into affordable housing, small local retail, and a grocery store.
Nearly a decade has passed since land at Fayette Place became vacant, and residents of this community are still living and worshiping in close proximity to the largest undeveloped downtown transit-oriented site in Durham. It has languished as an eyesore in the heart of the historic Hayti community. Brenda Bradsher, a lifelong resident of this community said, "We kept waiting and waiting to see what would happen, and nothing happened,".
Neighbors also addressed issues of crime, blighted properties and deteriorated playgrounds.
Watch the video HERE.
Read more here:
Residents ask Durham City Council to buy back, develop abandoned land
Durham Housing Authority moving forward to repurchase Fayette Place property
Nearly a decade later, Durham land known as Fayette place remains vacant