CLEVELAND, Ohio (WOIO) - African-Americans outnumber any other race on getting COVID-19.

Yet, experts say they are underserved when it comes to getting the vaccine.

However, Gilbert Stallworth wants to change that narrative for his family; that’s why he volunteered to take the vaccine, no questions asked.

“I just want to do it for my loved ones…all of my loved one,” said Stallworth.

Gilbert was one of 200 mostly African-Americans, 65 and older, at Elizabeth Baptist Church in Slavic Village. That’s where doses of the Moderna vaccine were distributed by members of the National Guard.

It all happened under the direction of the Ohio Department of Health, The Centers & Circle Health Services, and a faith group called the Greater Cleveland Congregations.

Together they all hosted a COVID vaccine pop-up event.

Pastor Richard Gibson of Elizabeth Baptist knows this is just a start.

In his mind, he hopes to have a role in convincing Blacks to trust the vaccine.

“In our community in Cuyahoga County, roughly 80 percent of the people who have been vaccinated today have not been African-American. For the ones that registered for us, 92 percent were African-Americans,” said Pastor Gibson.

Numbers like that are attractive and promising to Keisha Krumm from the Greater Cleveland Congregations.

“I’m like ecstatic about it. And tell me when we do this in our community and our congregations; our will step up and get vaccinated,“ said Krumm.


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