■ Metro IAF Affiliates
■ West / Southwest IAF Affiliates
Metro IAF Affiliates by Name | Metro IAF Affiliates by State
See West/Southwest IAF Affiliates
See all Industrial Area Affiliates (updates in progress)
Affiliates by Name
Baltimoreans United in Leadership Development (BUILD) (410) 528 0305
DC Power |
DuPage United (DU) / Fox River Valley Initiative
(630) 743 9649
Durham CAN (Congregations, Associations and Neighborhoods) (919) 627-1769
East Brooklyn Congregations (EBC) (718) 642-1450
P.O. Box 726
(630) 743-9649
ONE Wake
(919) 635-4770
QUEENS Power (718) 526-4775 |
Affiliates by State
District of Columbia
DC Power |
DuPage United (DU) / Fox River Valley Initiative (630) 743 9649
United Power for Action and Justice (UPAJ) (773) 803-8830
Baltimoreans United in Leadership Development (BUILD) (410) 528 0305
Prince Georges Leadership Action Network (PLAN) (301) 778-4069
New Jersey
New Jersey Together (NJT)
PO Box 136
Jersey City , NJ 07303
(201) 351-1658
New York
East Brooklyn Congregations (EBC) |
Manhattan Together (MT) (212) 369-4106
(718) 526-4775
South Bronx Churches (SBC) |
North Carolina
Durham CAN (Congregations, Associations and Neighborhoods)
(919) 627-1769
Orange County Justice United (OC Justice United) |
NC Congress of Latino Organizations (NCCLO) (919) 282-7330
ONE Wake
(919) 635-4770
PO Box 964
Harrisonburg, VA 22803