An early graduating Health Services Cost Review Commission (HSCRC) class in 2017
Turnaround Tuesday, a jobs movement, continues putting Baltimore back to work with its successful job readiness training, leadership development, and job placement. Turnaround Tuesday has collaborated with nine hospitals and a local Recovery Center as well as the Baltimore Alliance for Careers in Health, none of which would have been possible without building critical relationships with area hospitals and taking action to pressure the Health Services Cost Review Commission to increase hospital reimbursement rates to fund community health positions.
Turnaround Tuesday has placed 79 individuals in three new positions: Community Health Workers, Peer Recovery Specialists, and Certified Nurse Assistants/General Nursing Assistants. Over the past two years, none of the Turnaround Tuesday-trained individuals have lost their jobs. All positions pay between $15 and $17 per hour with full benefits and 129 positions remain to be filled.