For decades, residents and students have risked their lives crossing a state highway to get to the grocery store and overflow student parking lot. Dozens of injuries and several fatalities over the years led a team of residents at Marian Park Apartments to take action. The residents got their State Senator to request $1.25 million for a safe crossing over a state highway. The Village of Wheaton initially rejected the proposal site for a crossing light. DuPage United showed up at city council meetings, met with the Mayor and council members, and engaged the media to press the council to take action. At the February 26th Wheaton City Planning meeting, the council directed staff to work with DuPage United to proceed with the work needed to approve the pedestrian crossing. Leaders will continue to press to ensure this is addressed with urgency and to keep funding in the state budget. 

News Coverage:

Suburbs lead in fatal bike, pedestrian collisions as Wheaton crashes prompt school to fundraise for light 
by Marni Pyke and Katlyn Smith (March 3, 2024) Daily Herald
Wheaton pedestrian safety concerns after 3 deaths, dozens of injuries 
by Nate Rodgers (February 26, 2024) FOX 32 Chicago
Wheaton to consider traffic signal at Roosevelt Road near St. Francis High School 
by Shaw Local (February 25, 2024) Shaw Local
Traffic Light Near Target On Roosevelt? City Council Meeting Planned 
by Lisa Marie Farver (February 23, 2024) Patch
Safe Passage 
by Daily Herald Editorial Board (February 23, 2024) Daily Herald
‘It’s very dangerous’: Residents lobby for traffic light amid rise in fatal crashes across Illinois 
by Marni Pyke (February 19, 2024) Daily Herald