Build power to change the country from the ground up by working with ordinary people.
Where to start?
To learn more about how the Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) thinks about organizing and our work read:
Also, read these three articles:
And check out these Podcasts:
Who is the IAF looking to recruit?
interested in exploring careers in organizing. IAF is the oldest and largest broad-based citizens organizing network in the US. IAF, founded by Saul Alinsky, won the first universal health care law in Massachusetts that became the blue print for ObamaCare, conceived and won the first living wage law in Baltimore that became a national movement, and secured more than $1 Trillion in infrastructure, housing, schools investment to revitalize poor rural and urban communities across the US. IAF has trained hundreds of thousands of citizen leaders and organizers, including Ceasar Chavez and Barack Obama.
What are the qualities of a successful organizer?
5). A DRIVE TO BE ON THE GROUND IN COMMUNITIES DIRECTLY AFFECTED BY INJUSTICE TO BUILD POWER & TAKE ACTION FROM THE BOTTOM UP — some evidence that you are committed to people and place and embrace the organizing tradition pioneered by A. Philip Randolph, Fannie Lou Hammer, Ceasar Chavez, and others.