On October 26, Faith in Action had 329 leaders from 19 institutions and 14 guest institutions attend their internal action. The action had a very strong IAF identity with excellent teaching on power, power analysis, and action. The stories from leaders affected by the childcare and transportation crisis were moving and the emerging action agenda to create a demand response point-to-point transportation service in rural Rockingham County, where there is zero public transit now and to develop solutions to the lack of affordable childcare and the burnout of childcare workers due to low wages and no benefits is promising.
In June, FIA had an internal action with 180 leaders and 19 institutions and 2 guest institutions. This action was very different in
- spirit,
- leader ownership for the action and the IAF organizing universals,
- # real institutions with leader-led turnout & paid dues,
- city & county institutions mix,
- and discerning guest institutions from which there is a feasible path to 25-30 institutions with 500 leaders in attendance at the March 2023 founding/launch.
An emerging broad base of non-religious institutions—3-4 childcare centers and 2-3 immigrant organizations with more economic and racial diversity--is possible.
As evidenced last night, key FIA Shenandoah Valley leaders and Kathryn Cohen, the IAF organizer, made great strides since the June action moving FIA from advocacy toward power. It was exciting to see. There is still a long way to go but the action last night was an important turning point to celebrate.