Metro IAF NY Leaders Rally at City Hall in New York City to Fight for Affordable Housing
On May 17th more than 150 East Brooklyn Congregations & Metro I.A.F. leaders endured sweltering heat to remind the mayor that they are not giving up until they make New York City affordable and just for everyone. Leaders were joined by Council members Alicka Ampry-Samuel, Laurie Combo, Jumaane Williams, Adrienne Adams, Rafael Salamanca & Barry Grodenchik. They each gave Metro IAF NY tremendous recognition for their track record, history of action, and plan to solve the crisis.
Metro IAF NY is demanding a deal to build 15,000 units of senior housing, repair NYCHA from top to bottom, bring justice to slumlords, and use city money for rents residents can afford. And they are getting a reaction: Mayor de Blasio has been desperately calling council members urging them to back off; and Speaker Corey Johnson finally reached out and asked to work together again.

The rally followed 8 days of action with 5 other press conferences involving a total of 418 leaders. These council-led tours of NYCHA apartments and empty lots, which also included council members Rafael Espinal and Antonio Reynoso, received significant media coverage. Please see most of the press coverage below.

So much of the political class is now running to catch up to Metro IAF NY’s leadership & solutions. De Blasio will soon, too. And, when he does, Metro IAF NY will have saved the soul of New York City.
Inspection tour of NYCHA continues as city council battles mayor for billions in city budget | WPIX 11 New York
Inquilinos de NYCHA exigen una pronta solución a los problemas que sufren sus viviendas - Univision
Fund Fair Fares, senior housing in city budget - Greenpoint Star
Bushwick residents, leaders rally for senior housing - Greenpoint Star
Father Edward Mason, Brooklyn Pastor - Greenpoint Star
Councilmember rips NYCHA conditions - The Bronx Free Press
NYCHA tenants, councilman hold rally for more funding - Bronx News 12
How Monica is making it happen this week | WPIX 11 New York
NYCHA tenants, council members press mayor for better conditions - Brooklyn New 12
NYCHA tenants, officials rally for more senior housing options - News 12 Brooklyn
Demandan mejoras para gente mayor en edificios de vivienda pública - Noticias 1
Concejales inspeccionan edificios de NYCHA - Telemundo 47
Condiciones deplorables en vivienda publica - Telemundo 47
布勒克倫公屋惹兒哮喘 母子被迫分居兩地 - Epoch Times
NYCHA residents will give city council members tours of their homes | WPIX 11 New York
NYCHA Tenants Demand More Money - CBS local news
City Council member tours Canarsie NYCHA complex - Bronx News 12
Concejales de Nueva York realizan tour de inspección en viviendas públicas de NYCHA - Univision 41 Nueva York - Univision
City Council pols hear horror stories while visiting NYCHA housing in Brooklyn - NY Daily News
NYCHA residents give NYC Council members tour of living conditions in Brooklyn - ABC 7 New York
NYCHA residents to give council members tour of properties - NY Post
Brooklyn Lawmakers On The Move May 7, 2018 - Kings County Politics